Error message

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The New Moon Motel

Story ID
Swamp Thing - #20.13

Liz and Dennis have found their way back to the motel (the full title is the New Moon Motel, and its logo is a winking yellow smiley face with a nightcap). She wants to get her friend's medical bag from Room 18 and check out.  Dennis is sitting on the board-sidewalk outside.
 The chatty lady at the desk tells LIz some friends stopped by, and that she let them into Room 18, and they came right out again. Liz assumes it was Matt and Abby. But no, it was someone who used the name Sutherland, or something like that.  Then while Chatty Lady starts telling a story (about a movie with Donald Sutherland, called either Now Don't Look or Don't Watch Now, in which Donald approaches a child in a red cape in a cathedral, but it isn't a child, it's a dwarf), a helpful fellow with a cowboy hat goes to fetch the bag from Room 18.

Which blows up with a THROOM! and a spray of red and yellow and Dennis finally gets up  saying "Liz?" as the Chatty Lady tells us that the dwarf used a cleaver and got Donald Sutherland right in the neck.

So, things aren't what they seem and danger lurks, and apparently Sunderland planted a bomb.  Pity about the friendly cowboy (Hec "Dallas" Brandon)

Not much to note about the artwork in this spread. Seems like there's a lot of wooden boards.
The Layout has a pillar motif again, with the two panels on the far edges of the page running from top to bottom. Smaller horizontal panels are inside.

The movie is a horror-mystery thriller called  "Don't look Now" from 1973, set in Venice, and it stars Donald Sutherland (lots of curly hair) and Julie Christie.
