Error message

  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int in element_children() (line 6527 of /home3/uufsmorg/public_html/
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  • Deprecated function: implode(): Passing glue string after array is deprecated. Swap the parameters in drupal_get_feeds() (line 394 of /home3/uufsmorg/public_html/

November 2015

Nowhere is safe

Swamp Thing - #20.17

fire and death

A copter shoots a missile at Matt and Abby's house and blows it up. They were nearby, and are unhurt but emotionally shaken

In the woods, TST kills a uniformed man and tosses the body aside. But TST remembers seeing a beetle (bigger and stronger and more clever) eaten by ants. Too many ants.

And there are more men out there, bringing fire and death.

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The Horror in Our Lives

Swamp Thing - #20.15

Liz and Dennis find each other after  the explosion at the hotel. She's talking about cowboys and dwarves, not too coherent. He's seen that before, in Vietnam.  And he likes her that way: scared and vulnerable, "the way a woman should be." If all they have is "horror in their lives", he's happy to have the horror if it means he has her. He takes her by the hand, and they run into the woods, just in time to escape the notice of...

The New Moon Motel

Swamp Thing - #20.13

Liz and Dennis have found their way back to the motel (the full title is the New Moon Motel, and its logo is a winking yellow smiley face with a nightcap). She wants to get her friend's medical bag from Room 18 and check out.  Dennis is sitting on the board-sidewalk outside.

It's ok

Swamp Thing - #20.11

More of Abby and Matt.  He's trying to make up, she takes a walk, he retreats back to dreamland and drink. His dreamland is really vivid. Plus, he hasn't obliterated the dream-monsters; he's learned to control them. Not a comforting thought if he's right, and perhaps even scarier if he's wrong.

We're ok

Swamp Thing - #20.9

More of the paired mirror headers at the top of the page. Beer bottles this time, dripping their liquid down into the panels. The brand is Mighty Moose, (who's saying "Knock yourself out!") and the bottle displays the information "Since 1887, bottled by T. Bertone Co." and it's rated XXX.

The first dialogue is in a yellow box with black then white border - more of TST's words (though he's not on these pages), continuing the monologue from the page before about the world getting smaller.  "Or maybe ... They're [the monsters] just getting harder to recognize."