Error message

  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int in element_children() (line 6527 of /home3/uufsmorg/public_html/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int in element_children() (line 6527 of /home3/uufsmorg/public_html/
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  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int in element_children() (line 6527 of /home3/uufsmorg/public_html/
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  • Deprecated function: implode(): Passing glue string after array is deprecated. Swap the parameters in drupal_get_feeds() (line 394 of /home3/uufsmorg/public_html/

October 2015

To the moon

Swamp Thing - #20.8

Back with TST,  made his way "to the moon" (probably the name of the single-story motel) and is waiting for Dennis and Liz. No sign of them yet, but he's in no hurry. He has nowhere else to go.  As he waits in the woods, he thinks of Arcane, who perhaps was right to die. TST is  looking for the shadows, older times, before the world had "run out of room ... for monsters..."  His world is getting smaller, too.
In the last panel, an army truck pulls up in front of the motel. The general's people are closing in.


A Rude Awakening

Swamp Thing - #20.6

A two-page spread (pp 6 and 7), introducing Lizabeth (the Tremayne woman) and Dennis (last name still unknown, perhaps Barclay?). They wake in a crashed car then start to walk down the road. Something happened between them the night before (probably sex) and though he's talking about a future together (now  that they've "got each other"), she's not interested: "We can't build a future around that." He gets irked and starts the long walk home without her. She hurries after him, hoping to explain.

And the helicopters start to arrive...

Elsewhere... The General

Swamp Thing - #20.4

"Elsewhere" is an office, where one man (Dwight) stands staring at a large globe topped by an eagle, while another man (the General) sits behind a red desk, smoking a cigarette in a holder. (I've only ever seen women use those in movies from decades ago.) The general holds a picture of TST, and papers or pictures are scattered on his desk, along with a  Newton's Cradle toy with seven balls, and a nameplate whose last letters look like "...ARD".

The Cables

The General wants them dead.

Lizabeth Tremayne

Dark hair, attractive young woman.

Dennis Barclay

Young, blond man, attractive.


Henchman for the General

Harry Kay

Wears glasses, dark hair, male

The General

white hair, smokes,
wears a dark suit and tie even though has a military title


"Used to be a man". Very long teeth, very thin, no hair
